In Hidden Elixir, Kevin Dunn shares ten"secrets" that will alter how you look over your life. In a world obsessed with working intelligent, Kevin Dunn presents you with a straightforward but exceptionally valuable principle: Do what you do best. In this challenging book, Dunn exposes the ripples your actions can create in your life--from winning the lottery to losing your job Hidden Elixir Supplements. However, most importantly, he shows you the way to harness that power to the great rather than for the ill.
Why is this book so intriguing is that it isn't preachy. The ten principles are introduced in a friendly manner, with humor sprinkled throughout. Instead of spoon-feeding advice, Kevin Dunn invites one to ask questions and get replies. While I was studying, I asked myself the very same sorts of questions: Who made us? Why does life seem so unfair?
The ten"secrets" that comprise Hidden Elixir make it an intriguing look into the mysteries of life, in addition to a motivational and education publication. Dunn provides a exceptional perspective by focusing on his own expertise as a basketball coach. The ten principles introduced in this motivational book are applicable to anyone who wants to make wealth and achieve their personal objectives. Here are the first five classes in the Hidden Elixir:
Creativity: You are capable of incredible things when you set your head to it. In regards to living a wealthy life, creativity is essential. The elixir of imagination will enable you to tap into and unleash the power within you.
Persistence: Success is essential when it comes to achieving success. In the publication, Dunn describes ten distinct"enjoys": family, friends, sports, wellness, God, sex, music, novels, and much more. When you enjoy something, or like being around a specific set of individuals, it becomes nearly harder to resist doing this Hidden Elixir. The ten adore in this novel make it very simple to keep a level of consistency. Because of this, you are able to live with less effort and enjoy better success.
Optimism: One of the biggest challenges we confront in life is living inside a negative energy. On the other hand, the elixir of confidence can make a difference in your lifetime. In addition to the ten principles explained in this publication, there's also the key to remaining positive: you only need one good quote or song to produce the change you would like in your life. This secret is the fourth principle explained in the Hiddenixir of Success:"The best way to achieve your dreams is to dream it"